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NextDoor Cams


Pilot Group has been working on the next incarnation of Matrix Cams and announces a coming release of NextDoor Cams – a web-based collaboration and video conferencing tool. NextDoor Cams is a new word in a fast growing field of video conferencing. Used effectively, video conferencing may dramatically increase business productivity.

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Today, video conferencing systems can go far beyond private talks tкte-а-tкte.

Video communications get more dynamic. Decisions are made faster; bringing products or services to market quicker; and enabling you to stay ahead of your competitors. Benefits that video conferencing can bring to your company are obvious. NextDoor Cams is the next incarnation of Matrix Cams. The new system has grown into a web-conferencing portal that allows users to plug in to web-camera video streams simultaneously and to communicate online.

The main function of NextDoor Cams is live delivery of video materials to multiple users simultaneously – conferences, lectures, movies, and other staff. It can also be an effective tool of communication between groups of people separated by long distances where e-mails or common letters are not enough. This portal possesses all of the features of Matrix Cams and includes a lot of enhancements and improvements. • Unlike its predecessor, NextDoor Cams is not a common web-chat.

It now supports video conferencing with multiple correspondents. • Unlike its predecessor (Matrix Cams), NextDoor Cams can assemble up to 32 servers into a distributed system that grants users access to common rooms. • Java applet to playback video and audio streams has been redesigned to support the enhanced functionality of NextDoor Cams.

Опубликовано: 25 октября 2002 г.

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